Meet Roy, my partner and another creative force behind our homestead. As a skilled blacksmith and leatherworker, he masterfully fashions functional metal pieces that infuse beauty into the ordinary. Roy's dedication extends to building coops, sourcing sustainable meat through hunting, and juggling work outside our home — truly the sturdy backbone of our harmonious lifestyle.

Hey there, I'm Roy. I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades– a blacksmith, leatherworker, ironworker, and welder.

My journey in blacksmithing started way back in my teenage years, and no matter where life took me, I always found myself coming back to it. Two years ago, I took a big step and built my very own shop. These days, you'll often find me there during evenings and weekends, hammering away on various projects, losing track of time.

But that's just one part of my life. At home, I share a small homestead with my wife and our young son. Together, we tend to a lively bunch of rabbits, chickens, and quail. We also grow a variety of crops.

I'm looking forward to sharing more of my experiences, projects and adventures with you all.

Shop my hand forged goods here!

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